Om Shivaya Shivabalayogindraya Parabrahmanaya
This unique powerful mantra emerged out of 12 years of Tapas (intense meditation), personifying the first sound of Pranava Nada Brahmana, OM, the unified manifested divinity of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvathi, in the form of Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj, originating from the ultimate truth which is beyond all imagination and illusion - Parabrahmanaaya. The mantra was given by Swamiji to Srinivasa Dikshitar (Shri Babaji) in a dream, to initiate and give powers to him.
This mantra permeates effective transformative energy when listened to in a meditative state. The atmosphere will get purified. It helps in experiencing the presénce of the divine energy. The listener is advised to concentrate on the vibrations of the music in a focused and calm state of mind. This transformative music and the mantra will enable one's mind to be calm and thus help to achieve a meditative state.